Friday, March 24, 2006

You Want Your Tots?

Thanks to the Clarks who recommended it, I have seen perhaps the worst movie ever made, Napoleon Dynamite. I did laugh on several occasions, but funny does not necessarily mean good. I suppose I'm exaggerating when I say "worst," but in my opinion the movie was less than stellar.

In case you are wondering (Ron), dropping 15 lbs would get me to my fighting weight of 185. 200 is the heaviest I've ever been.


James T Wood said...

Did you watch the movie with a group? If not then you have no hope of enjoying it, just like fine wine or cheese, it must be appreciated with fine company.

KMiV said...

I use that in my Daniel/Revelation class. The other Jews look at Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah (who refuse to eat the kings rich food) and say, "You gonna eat yer totts?"

I guess the students like it--unless their just laughing to get an "A".

rebecca marie said...

give it time cody, give it time... the fine wine analogy was perfect.