Monday, June 23, 2008

Civil War/DC Trip

Well, I suppose I can post a few pictures I took of various places back east while on the trip to Gettysburg and Washington D.C. It was a great trip, and went by much too quickly. The only bad part was the fact that I didn't have the right shoes. I bought new shoes for the trip thinking I would be walking on trails and such, and we did, but they were the wrong shoes for pounding the pavement in DC. My feet were just killing me by the end of the trip.

I also was frustrated with my photography. Partly because I am not exactly an expert or have a particular gift for the art, but also because there were just way too many people around everything I was trying to shoot. I want to get the shot of the building, not a shot of 40 junior high kids on a field trip. Plus, winter was still holding on so there wasn't much color in anything. The days were gray and drab. Such is life.

Oh, and I got a B in the class.

Cannon at Antietam

Marker of famous stand of the 20th Maine at Gettysburg

Walking Picketts Charge at Gettysburg

Old Abe!

Washington Monument

Me on a fence at Antietam (Photo by Shawn Jones)


Greg McKelvey said...

hi you have a lot of good photos there. i love the places you went to such great histroy and yet so sad. take care and my the lord bless you!


TRex said...

Good pictures. (found your site by accident, while looking for some info on McCain, but not disappointed)

On the other hand, don't be too shy about getting the kids in the photos. I didn't spend my days in the military for a bunch of stone markers, I spent them defending the country for those kids.

Unknown said...

I guess you are right. It's just that some of those kids did not aprreciate where they were, especially at the holocaust memorial. I don't suppose I would have been any different when I was a kid.